16 Variegated Peace Lily Varieties

16 Variegated Peace Lily Varieties

With their signature white blooms and resilient nature, peace lilies grace indoor spaces worldwide as symbols of hope and endurance. But beyond the iconic common household specimen, over 40 Spathiphyllum cultivars exist – each carrying unique traits plant lovers adore.

This guide explores 16 variegated Peace Lily varieties for devotees seeking new corners of diversity across this versatile genus.

We begin by surveying key background – the characteristics underlying peace lilies’ popularity from easy care to air-purifying prowess. Next, an in-depth showcase of 16 distinct cultivars examines their individual differences and needs with tips for success.

Finally, generalized care insight and troubleshooting advice empowers new plant parents on the journey ahead stewarding these undemanding yet beguiling beauties.

Peace Lily Characteristics

While most plants struggle with dry, low-light indoor conditions, peace lily’s resilience prevail through such stressors where few others endure. Originating as tropical understory plants, their leaf anatomy and metabolic pathways actually thrive in shadier realms many species find intolerable. When other houseplants decline toward dormancy as winter’s low light and dry heat sap vital energies, peace lilies persevere unfazed, offering reassuring continuity signaling brighter, more vibrant seasons ahead. 

But when provided optimal warmth, moderate light and attentive watering, peace lilies truly flourish, rewarding devotees through added vigor and more prolific blooms. Glossy leaves stretch broader and taller while fragrant white spathes emerge in bolder succession, their central golden pistil radiating promise. Such flexible adaptability explains peace lilies’ cross-cultural popularity around the world.

For more information about Gardening you can visit: 8 Grass Like Plant With White Flowers

16 Peace Lily Varieties

16 Variegated Peace Lily Varieties

While most peace lily varieties share key traits, exploring distinctions reveals how delicate differences manifest as beauty through contrasting sizes, leaf forms, bloom hues and even toxic defenses. 

1. Little Angel

1. Little Angel

One of the few dwarf peace lily cultivars, Little Angel bears recipient foliage with brilliant white spathes only 8-12 inches tall. Its compact size suits tabletop accents and front-facing combinations needing scaled-down anchor plants with similar watering needs. Yet the tiny leaves contain irritating raphides demanding situating away from curious pets and children.

2. Jet Diamond  

2. Jet Diamond  

This Domino offspring displays broader 5-inch leaves with alluring silver-green streaks along midribs and margins setting off the deep emerald background.

Its smaller mature size pairs nicely with other compact house plants like African violets and young prayer plants benefiting from similar bright indirect light and average room humidity around 40-50% that keeps Jet Diamond leaves dust-free and vividly variegated.

3. Picasso 

3. Picasso 

The bold brushstrokes of white pigment splashing across Picasso’s leaves make it among the most coveted variegated peace lilies. Mature specimens reach substantial sizes around 2-3 feet, so give its vibrant foliage space to shine without crowding. Picasso performs best in well-draining soil and bright indirect light where its mesmerizing patterns and vigor shine fully.  

4. Sensation

4. Sensation

This aptly named showstopper emerges intensely crinkled leaves in youth that gradually smooth by adulthood but retain incredible substance and scale, spanning over a foot long emerging on sturdy stems to 2 feet tall. Give Sensation room to flex – its expansive clumping form suits hallways or medium rooms instead of tucked-away corners. In return, Elvis-esque blooms erupt with added dynamism benefitting any backdrop.  

5. Cupido 

5. Cupido 

Hailing from southern Mexico, elegant Cupido peace lilies display prominently veined emerald leaves contrasting beautifully with frequent pure white spathes. Grow Cupido in bright indirect conditions away from direct sun to maintain vibrant leaf variegation. Soil moisture controls also prevent leaf browning or spotting as conditions shift. When cultural factors align, Cupido’s bicolored foliage elicits incredible depth perception playfullyTransitioning between bold graphic flatness and eye-fooling 3D textures from different angles based on lighting. Such an adaptable illusionist!  

6. White Stripe

6. White Stripe

This demure variety bears distinctive short yet wide leaves with alluring white midveins striping broad kelly green blades. Dense clumping stems showcase the intricate patterns beautifully in indirect light. Limit White Stripe specimens to 6 inches deep pots as their reduced root structures require more frequent irrigation unsuitable for wider vessels. Restrain its growth through conservative feeding and pruning to keep White Stripe content even in small rooms.  

7. Sebastiano  

7. Sebastiano  

Slender arching leaves with slightly ruffled edges make Sebastiano peace lilies airy yet statuesque statement plants. Towering upward through maturity, such substantial presence warrants careful placement safe from jostling damage.

Shelter Sebastiano’s slight frame and shallow roots from intense direct light or excessive drying to prevent tip burns. Given bright filtered or artificial light with routine deep watering, this gracefully elegant variety captivates viewers with its peaceful poise. 

8. Domino

8. Domino

The archetypal variegated peace lily displays broader leaves distinctively painted with central yellow-green streaks wonderful for illuminating shadier indoor areas. Moderately quick growing, Dominos may reach 2 feet high and wide unless contained through pruning or container bounds. Less drought hardy than plainer green cousins, provide Domino specimens extra hydration between weekly deep watering to maintain unblemished foliage and prevent leaf crisping around margins and tips indicating underwatering stress.  

9. Mauna Loa 

9. Mauna Loa 

Named for Hawaii’s massive volcano, this jumbo peace lily variety matches impressive architectural proportions through substantial ribbed foliage and towering spathes the shade of aged ivory. A single mature Mauna Loa specimen easily fills entire corners with broad emerald leaves illuminated by dappled light. As one of the largest Spathiphyllum cultivars available, dedicate substantial space allowing Mauna Loa to flex its full grandeur or prune growth habit firmly to scale its imposing countenance appropriately per intended display niche.

10. Piccolino

10. Piccolino

At the opposite extreme, delightful demure Piccolino peace lilies charm through perfectly petite sizes under 12 inches tall. Emerald leaves yield sweetly to solitary pale pink blooms resembling delicate bells heralding spring’s arrival. Nestle these darlings alongside other diminutive plants like African violets and young Rex begonias to showcase their precious scale and detail against diverse textures and colors. Shelter outdoors from temperature extremes compromising their tropical disposition.  

11. Figaro

10. Piccolino

This exuberant performer bears lustrous leaves occasionally rivaling Mauna Loa’s incredible proportions when provided optimal moisture, light and nutrition. Unlike most peace lilies only blooming once annually, Figaro spathes arrival in two distinct flushes – late winter then again in fall. Site Figaro specimens thoughtfully allowing their elaborate display space for twice yearly crescendos without impinging nearby companions. Careful pruning between bloom cycles directs energy toward root and leaf growth laying foundations sustaining abundant future flowering.  

12. Wallisii  

12. Wallisii  

A wonderful compact cultivar under 2 feet wide, Wallisii bears gracefully arching leaves with serrated margins that twist subtly like loose corkscrews. Extended bloom stalks lift multiple creamy spathes beyond the foilage, illuminating Wallisii’s zones with living floral sculpture contrasting beautifully against rich emerald leaves. Grow in an airy coarse potting mix amended with orchid bark to prevent root congestion and provide superb drainage meeting Wallisii’s preferences. Give bright indirect or artificial light to bring out Wallisii’s elegant charm fully.

13. Clevelandii 

13. Clevelandii 

Named for the renowned research institute developing this particular variety, full grown Clevelandii peace lilies easily dominate spaces with expansive, lush foliage and exceptional floral displays featuring unique pink-infused white spathes that deepen intensity over weeks before new blooms emerge. Site this showy variety thoughtfully and prune strategically to maximize visibility of its intricate blooms displayed enticingly at eye level for closest inspection against the exquisite green canvas behind them.  

14. Allison

14. Allison

A resilient variety suitable for partial sun exposures, Allison endures more acute seasonal shifts outdoors than most Spathiphyllum while still transitioning admirably indoors given bright light provisions and moderately increased supplementation. Allison’s leathery leaves withstand wind and weather shifts stoically once established. Determined gardeners in sheltered zones 6-7 who provide winter mulching around its roots may enjoy repeat bloom cycles for years with proper care rewarding such perseverance.

15. Bongo Bongo 

15. Bongo Bongo 

This silver-leafed spectacle brandishes dramatically oversized, ovate foliage colored rich olive green brushed with elegant silver gray streaks that deepen or whiten contingent upon incident light intensities. Given Bongo Bongo’s substantial mature girth spanning several feet and reputation for toppling smaller containers with its hefty mass once watered, select a sturdy, heavy pot in scale with its grandeur or landscape into a sheltered garden bed allowing its stature room to stretch vibrantly. Site away from intense sunlight as variegations depend upon indoor conditions to truly astonish admirers with their chameleon-like adaptations. 

16. Power Petite

16. Power Petite

In spectacular contrast, darling diminutive Power Petite charms all observers through its delightful Lilliputian proportions under 8 inches tall. Bowl-shaped glossy leaves escalate gradually into an appealing globe encircled by several miniature calla lily-like spathes whose creamy ivory tones flush peach tones in maturity. Grow Power Petite en masse in sweeps sheltering fairy gardens or solo as whimsical natural bonsai subjects. Keep soil moderately moist while providing light supplemental fertilization to nourish repeat flowering flushes as Power Petite indeed punches above its weight.

Peace Lily Care

Peace Lily Care

While the different varieties profiled suit varied conditions and care levels better, certain key practices universally benefit all Spathiphyllum plants:

  • Water thoroughly allowing pots to drain fully, then repeat once top inch of soil dries out
  • Give bright indirect light, no direct hot sun
  • Ideal temperatures between 60-80°F 
  • Average indoor humidity around 40-50% 
  • Quick-draining, nutrient-rich potting mixes
  • Avoid jostling or damaging leaves with raphide crystals 
  • Watch for pests like aphids, mealybugs and spider mites
  • Propagate new plants from divided sections with roots 

Follow this foundational guidance, then adjust specifics like moisture levels, light exposure or fertilization based on each variety’s respective size, leaf thickness and growth habits in order to maximize general plant health and flowering. Getting to know subtle preferences through attentive care builds intimate bonds over time.

Frequently Asked Questions About 16 Variegated Peace Lily Varieties

Curiosities arise on journeying with these versatile houseplants:  

What is the biggest peace lily variety? 

Mauna Loa and Sensation vie for largest peace lily titles, potentially reaching 36-60 inches tall and wide under ideal conditions. Give them ample space to stretch!

How long do peace lilies live?  

With optimal care, most peace lily varieties survive 6-10 years indoors. Some hardy specimens persist over 15 years in sheltered climates outdoors like Florida and California. Their resilience pairs with adaptability across the genus.


Exploring just a small sample of Spathiphyllum variety diversity unveils the wonder and options awaiting devoted plant enthusiasts. From dainty dwarfs to towering titans and endless variegated forms between, peace lilies reward attentive growers through incredible decorative flexibility and reliable charm unmatched by few other house plant genera. Hopefully the foundational guidance and distinct variety outlines offered here empowers budding green thumbs to embrace the beauty of Spathiphyllum cultivation as a profoundly rewarding lifelong journey ahead.

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